So, I've been sat in the cabin at Grødalen, for the last few days, just catching up on some work. Unfortunately, tonight my attention turned to the tv and the program “Ghost Whisperer”, I know, I know, shoot my now! ! ! No, I've not seen it before and don't plan on making a habit of it but there it was, and so was I.
Anyway, the “star” of the show is an annoying woman who can see dead people, like me. Only not quite like me. The star, Melissa (or something), sees dead people like you and I see each other, regular, normal folk. When I see them, it's much more complicated and it is rare for them to appear so clear and solid. I know it's just tv and American tv shows and it's at this point my wife would usually say to me “Peppe Pig”, meaning it's all a load of rubbish and has no meaning, so don't get wound up about it. But Eva isn't here and I'm on my own, so there is no one to say it.
Back to my point, this tv show got me wondering why certain people (Mediums) see dead people one way and others (me) see them another. When I was a lot younger, I used to see a dead man sat at the end of my bed each night and he looked like a normal, regular person, just like anyone else. So, if I've seen dead people in solid form before, so I should be able to see them this way again.
To be honest, it would make my working life so much easier as I would be able to see and hear what the dead are saying without the usual issues of them coming through to me clearly enough. Hmmm. Annoyed by this Melissa woman, I turned the tv off and decided to ask one of my Helpers why I can't see the dead as clearly as Melissa the magnificant, and the answer I got was as annoying as the tv show itself, “Peppa Pig, Darling, Peppa Pig”. All of a sudden it was like being back at home.
My Helper said to me that there is no need to see the dead as clearly as on tv and if I did, my communication would still be as complicated. My Helper showed me an example, she sat on the sofa and asked me whether she was wearing a skirt or pants, I looked and said skirt, she said to look again and I saw her in pants. My Helper went on to give me another couple of examples but her point was that whether I see dead people as solid objects or not is irrelevant as the information they want to show or give me could and would change as it needed to. Therefore, why waste the energy making themselves solid when they could get their point across just as easily with less energy.
I thought the answer was a bit of a cop-out and told my Helper so, she is used to this kind of conversation with me and told me that if I wanted to see dead people so clearly, I could do it but the amount of time and energy it would take me was simply not worth the effort. According to her, my time would be so much better spent developing what I do, in other ways. I'm not convinced and would like to see dead people and especially this particular Helper as a solid person. So while I am working on my own development over the next period, I will also be concentrating on building up enough energy to see the dead as solid, rather than just a transparency. As I type this I can see my Helper raising her eyes to the heavens in resignation, and she says, maybe I should just be grateful for the gift I have and work with it rather than chasing rainbows.
I hate it when she is right.
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