Wednesday, 16 March 2011

One crazy man

Where do you draw the line between going crazy and being a medium?

My beautiful wife tells me I look crazy when I talk to myself. OK, granted, I do it all the time and if anyone were to see me walking back from barnehage along the R70, they would see me having a full conversation. I even talk about myself as “we” rather than me or I, simply because there is usually more then “me” here. Now, before you go jumping to any conclusions and agreeing with my wife, take a minute and just consider what I do for a living – I speak to dead people! Of course it looks like I am talking to myself, because you can’t see who I'm talking with!

There is a bigger and perhaps more sensitive aspect to this conversational issue and that's faith . . . Whoa . . . that's a big one, even for me. Faith has to come into this because without the faith that I am actually speaking with dead people, you might as well put me in an institution. Imagine, if you will, that when you begin to think about something in your head, you wonder what to do about a certain problem or even what to have to dinner and from nowhere you hear a voice that has an opinion all of it's own. OK, on the face of it I sound like a right nutter, and it's true, I do speak back to these voices. It's not usually out loud but if there is no one around, I don't see why I should keep quiet. So without faith in what I am doing, I would really think I was going mad. The faith I have, comes from experiences day after day, where I have sat with people who wish to contact their dead friends and relatives, and the voices I hear turn out to be the the ones they are looking for. Yes, a lot of work has gone into what I do, but sitting behind all of it is faith.

There does come a time when enough is enough tough. I don't need someone's dead Grandfather having an opinion on my choice of dinner, I think it's a bit rude to just come barging into my head like that. But when dead people really want to come through, that's what they do, they come into my everyday thoughts and life, so they can interrupt me and make themselves heard. Furthermore, when I'm on my own, walking back from barnehage, it's sometimes good to have company and if I can bounce some ideas around with someone, then great, I'll do it. It doesn't matter to me whether they are dead or not. In fact, sometimes, it is useful if they are dead because I can feel pretty confident they aren't going to tell anyone else what we have been discussing. Clever.

There is a downside to all of this and that it's easy to become absorbed by these conversations. If I am speaking with a dead person who is good fun or has something interesting to say, I like to keep the conversation going, whether I'm on my own or not. And like any other conversation, it would be rude to interrupt it, so I simply continue until it reaches it's natural close. This can be annoying for my family who obviously are not included in these conversations and are left guessing when my conversation has ended.

Crazy is as crazy does and I don't think I act all that mad. Granted, I like to talk to dead people and like everyday living people, I prefer some more than others but at the end of the day, I see them as just another person to talk to and I'm not shy, so I talk!

I think my wife will say I'm a bit crazy whether I talk to dead people or not, but that's ok because I think she is a bit crazy too :-)

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