Is there really such a place as HELL?
Well, the church will tell you there is fire, brimstone and all manner of terrible torture and punishment, for ever and ever, amen! The church has been doing its best to scare everyone into belief for so many years that they have been left behind in myth and can no longer reason as to what is story and what is truth.
Long ago when people couldn't read or write and took the messages from the church as law, there was a belief that there was actually a place called hell and that if you defied the word of the church, no matter how crazy and impractical, you would be going to hell. Wow, it sounds pretty damned serious and scary! Thanks goodness these days we can all read and write – and the church really has only a symbolic power! As it so happens, I do believe in hell. I think it is real, it does exist and is a horrible place to be. But I believe in it for very different reasons than the church decrees.
Not long ago, I gave a reading to a lady who's daughter was abused by a member of her family. This man, we will call him Olaf, had sexually abused many children, not just his own family but children from many different places. When Olaf was found out and confronted, he killed himself. There is no need to go into detail of the reading but the information about Olaf, once he had died is important.
There have been many times when I have had someone who has killed themselves come through to me, there is nothing so unusual about it, but, Olaf was. When I communicate with the dead, it is mainly through feelings, it is fast, effective and gets rid of the need for translation (thank goodness). The feeling Olaf came through with was dark, it was as though he was in a very dark place within himself, alone, heavy, depressed, oppressive, angry, frustrated, vindictive and unable to see an end to his situation and certainly unwilling to address the hurt he had caused.
When I talked with him about what he had done, the people he had hurt and how it made him feel, Olaf showed no remorse, no interest in being sorry for the things he had done. In fact, he seemed quite pleased with himself, pleased that he had been able to maintain his lifestyle for so long. If ever there was a place called hell, Olaf was in it.
To be in a place within yourself where there is nothing but your own dark thoughts going round and round, a deep, deep depression with a heaviness that you need to experience in order to understand it. Your own personal, private, inner torment. This is hell. It is a far cry form what the church tells us but when you boil it down and take away the rhetoric, the idea is practically the same.
Now, I have spoken with Olaf quite a lot and the only times I feel his situation become lighter is when he talks about the details of the horrors he has committed. It is strange and I am not sure I like it but from a research point of view, our conversations are important.
Everything is not as bad as it sounds, I have also had another man through who committed awful acts against his family and my experience with him is that once he began thinking constructively about what he had done, working through it, his situation became easier and lighter. What I understand from this is that no matter how terrible the things you have done, it is your own personal hell you will be in unless you start dealing with it. It is also clear that hell is not for ever. The sooner you begin working with your own issues, the sooner you will be out of your own hell.
Pretty basic stuff really but and logical when you look at it in the cold light of day. Whether you are living or dead, the principal seems the same. There is only so long that we are able to push our problems away, at some point we need to deal with them, bring them out into the cold light of day and face up to them.
Dead or alive, our shit is still the same and it appears we have a choice of whether to deal with our own personal hell, here while we live or postpone it until we die. Most of us will take a chance and wait, you never really know what might happen, it might all work out and you never need to look yourself in the eye. But . . . my experience from speaking to the dead is that the sooner you start the process, the sooner you will be out of hell and free of all the dark feelings that sit within us all.
Well, happy Monday morning! What a way to begin the week, maybe there is something lighter we can take from this before we all get bogged down in the mire of our own guilt? Hell is personal to each of us and fortunately it is of our own making. Whatever we create, we can also destroy. The longer we wait to deal with our issues, the worse they get, it's up to us how long to postpone it but I would prefer to get all my darkness out of the way sooner rather than later.
. . . my only problem, is where to begin?!