Tuesday, 19 February 2013

How I see things

People are generally interested in the world I live in, what I experience being a Medium and Healer and how I fit living in the practical world with the "Alternative" world of speaking with dead people, Spirit Guides and healing those that feel they need a little help.

I've tried to summarize my philosophy and experiences in order to give a brief introduction to my little universe, and ended up with the following five core ideas:

  • Freedom of faith
  • Everyone can do it
  • You don't need any rituals
  • Dead people are just dead, not gone
  • You can develop as who you are, don't forget to keep living!
Well, the next few blogs I write will be on these topics and will hopefully answer some of the questions people have about how I see things, but feel free to ask whatever comes to mind!

So, if you would like me to add to this list, send me a message and I will do what I can :-)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

I am a Medium, which means I can communicate with dead people. I like doing it, it's fun, interesting and most people get the idea that it's not scary. Just before Christmas I visited a family that wanted to speak with their dead Father (we shall call him Jon). Now, I am never in charge of who comes through and so it is always a bit of a worry as to whether the person they are hoping for, actually comes through.

Anyway, I went to see the family who, although were doing well with their grief, had lost Jon less than a year earlier. I am never in control of who comes through in a Mediumship reading, it is always up to the people on the other side and for someone who likes to be in control, it presents me with a bit of a challenge :-/  So, we began the reading and very quickly it was clear that it was Jon who was going to chat with us. After the usual pleasantries, Jon began to talk about what he had been noticing with regard to his children and grandchildren. He had lots of opinions on how his children were doing and although he was interested in them, he was more interested in his Grandchildren.

Jon talked in some detail about each of the Grandchildren and showed some concern about one in particular. He felt that this Grandson was in a difficult place with himself and that there was a serious amount of frustration surrounding him. Jon said that he would be spending more time around his Grandson in an effort to help him through this difficult period. Jon provided great evidence that he had been around the family and had seen what they had all been up to. His humor made the reading fun and personal and is typical of Jon to try and keep things light.

The family wanted to know what he would be doing for Christmas and he answered by saying that he would be enjoying himself with the Grandchildren, where else would he be?! The reading lasted an hour and the family were really happy, they said that it had made things so much easier for them, knowing that he was still around, still involved in their lives and able to help with some of the issues they were facing.

I find myself reminding people (living), that just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they are gone. If I died today, the first thing I would want to do is go and see how my family are doing, what my children are up to and find out what I can do to help them. It's quite logical really. It's the same for everyone else, just because someone has died, it doesn't mean their personality or priorities have changed.

I treat the dead in the same way as the living, to me, they are the same people they were when alive, the only difference is that they are now dead :-)

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Simons program for første halvdel av 2013

Simon er å treffe:

Torsdag 17. januar i Kristiansund
Torsdag 24. januar i Molde
Lørdag 26. januar i Kristiansund HEALINGKURS
Mandag 28. januar i Trondheim
Torsdag 31. januar i Kristiansund
Tirsdag 5. februar i Brekstad
Torsdag 7. februar i Molde
Fredag 8. og lørdag 9. februar i Oslo
Torsdag 14. februar Kristiansund
Lørdag 16. februar i Kristiansund KURS ÅNDELIGE HJELPERE
Torsdag 21. februar i Molde
Mandag 25. februar i Trondheim
Torsdag 28. februar i Kristiansund
Tirsdag 5. mars i Brekstad
Torsdag 7. mars i Molde
Lørdag 9. mars i Trondheim UTVIKLINGSKURS
Torsdag 14. mars i Kristiansund
Fredag 15. og lørdag 16. mars i Oslo
Torsdag 21. mars i Molde
Mandag 25. mars i Trondheim
Tirsdag 2. april i Brekstad
Torsdag 4. april Molde
Lørdag 6. april i Kristiansund MESSE
Torsdag 11. april Kristiansund
Torsdag 18. april Molde
Torsdag 25. april Kristiansund
Lørdag 27. april Kristiansund UTVIKLINGSKURS
Mandag 29. april Trondheim
Torsdag 2. mai Molde
Tirsdag 7. mai Brekstad
Torsdag 16. mai Molde
Torsdag 23. mai Kristiansund
Torsdag 30. mai Molde
Tirsdag 4. juni Brekstad
Torsdag 6. juni Kristiansund
Lørdag 8. juni Trondheim HEALINGKURS
Torsdag 13. juni Molde
Fredag 14. og lørdag 15. juni Oslo
Torsdag 20. juni Kristiansund
Mandag 24. juni Trondheim
Torsdag 27. juni Molde 

For å booke en time noen av disse dagene, eller dersom du har spørsmål om kursene eller noe annet: Send oss en epost på simon@simonmiltonjones.com eller en sms på 46946054

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Poor, poor Larry :-(

Blahhhhhh! I've been sick over the holidays with the same influenza as everyone else. It took me out for nearly 2 weeks, which is far longer than I would have liked :-/  I read online last night that there is a laboratory in the UK that have created a robot in the form of a man, called Larry. The job of Larry is to projectile vomit over different surfaces, the floor, tables, bed, sofa etc. Stakkars han :-( The science geeks are trying to work out how far vomit particles can travel and still be potent enough to transfer a particular illness to anyone who accidentally ingests the vomit. Æsj! ! !

Every time I get sick, it comes on quickly, hits me hard and then usually leaves me again just as quickly. So, if someone is normally sick for a week,the whole process for me, from getting sick to being well again would only take 24-36 hours. Nice, you might say, but I nearly always get a serious fever and become delirious, which is not so fun. A strange thing I experience, or perhaps not so strange if you think about it, is that when I am delirious, my two worlds (the living and the dead) overlap, the distance between them is zero, nothing. So, when I am sporting a high temperature and "talking a load of rubbish" as my wife calls it, I find that my connection to the other side is perfectly clear. I see, hear, feel dead people all around me. It's not an ideal way to work and I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone wanting to build a better connection with Spirit but we all have our quirky sides, I guess.

Anyway, I am fever free, back in the saddle and looking forward to working in Molde again tomorrow :-) My first stop, though, is to Anette at Diva Design for good coffee and a catch-up conversation - a perfect way to start the day :-)

Happy New Year to you all!


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Godt nyttår!

Takk for 2012 og velkommen inn i 2013, folkens!

Etter en jul preget av sykdom, og med Simon fortsatt satt ut av influensa, har også familien på Romfo kloret seg inn i det nye året og begynt å legge planene for dette ferske, ubeskrevne året. Kursplaner og reising skal inn i kalenderen, og i år forsøker vi å legge opp til faste dager på de stedene Simon besøker oftest, samt flere planlagte datoer i Oslo, Trondheim og et par andre byer.

Har du lyst til at Simon skal kome til stedet der fu bor? Ta kontakt med oss og tips oss om steder vi kan besøke og hvor det kunne være aktuelt å jobbe fra der!

Så snart Simon er litt mer på beina, skal vi få opp frekvensen på både blogging og andre oppdateringer her. Men inntil da: Godt nyttår! Gjør det til en spennende, ny start for deg og dine omgivelser!

Eva & Simon